1. Today is the last day of Wiggy's ad on my entrecard box. And I'd like to thank him for paying 16ec for 3 days!
2. A few days back, a surprise came from Wiggy as as well. Not only did he give out 16ec's but also blew me away with his present! See his present here You are totally sweet Wiggy!! Thank You!
3. For my off and on-line life! Both are great and looking even better in the days to come!
4. Today I will bring my "students" or protégés to a club I regularly go to. This is a way to display how "confidence" can bring out not only new friends but also to have fun! Now that's what you call mixing work and paaarty!
5. And who would expect that teaching how to fix oneself is so much fun! It feels so good to see the results on how people change for the better after this too. I am thankful for this opportunity!