Unique 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Movie Meme VIII

Topic for this week is Tear Jerkers

This is a bit late but don't make me cry and just allow me to cheat and post this on a Monday date *teehee*

1. The Notebook (2004) - I'm so glad the Bumbles didn't add this to their list yet! This is the saddest movie ever for me! It made me cry when I read the book, and made me cry when I saw the movie! And even after the movie was over I was still wiping my tears!

2. City of Angels (1998) - Yes, most people didn't and even find this movie unrealistic or irritating. But for me, the tragedy of the story itself on how cruel fate played on the Seth made the movie what it is. And made viewers like me cry!

3. Romeo + Juliet (1996) - Now this one I have to admit, made me cry even if I know what's gonna happen! And I was even hiding that I wiped my tears! What scene? What else, but the time Juliet woke up and Romeo was beside her!

4. The Sixth Sense (1999) - Okay, my list will not all be love stories. Believe it or not, this film not only gave me major goosebumps but also made me cry big time when Bruce Willis (Dr. Crowe) realized that he's dead! (sorry I told the "punchline" lol)

5. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) - I admire his motivation and drive! And the scene that made me cried big time was when they were in the toilet in the subway and somebody was knocking on the door (You have gotta see it to know why its just so sad!)

:: Related ::
I: War Movies | II: Eye Candies | III: Ear Candies | IV: Falling Stars | V: Restoring Faith | VI: Steamy Love Scenes | VII: My First R Rated Movie

*Movie Meme was created by The Bumbles

The Bumbles