Unique 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday Movie Meme IX

Topic for this week is How You Watch Movies

My 5 ways on how to watch movies: (in order of frequency)

1. Theaters - Although watching at home is more convenient and less crowded, nothing beats the wide screen, high definition, woofer surround system and smell of fresh pop corn that you get from being in the theaters.

2. The Telly - There is always something good to watch when you have Cable and do not go straight to bed after a night out with flings friends. When I moved out from my Mom's house, the first thing I got for myself was a huge TV with cable connection. And the computer came next. lol

3. Video Rentals - I do not have a particular day as to when I should watch a movie that is rented from a shop, but as I was growing up, my family would always have a night where everybody sits down and watch a movie together.

4. Film Showing - I used to attend alot of this back in college. A film showing fest that usually features foreign films or local Indie films. Maybe this made me used to reading English lines below the screens of French and German films.

5. PC - I do not do this as a habbit but every once in a while I would download from a friend who downloads from Torrents sites.

:: Related ::
I: War Movies | II: Eye Candies | III: Ear Candies | IV: Falling Stars | V: Restoring Faith | VI: Steamy Love Scenes | VII: My First R Rated Movie | VIII: Tear Jerkers

*Movie Meme was created by The Bumbles


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