Unique 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wishful Wednesday

Let's make today something different. Instead of thanking 5 things, I wanna post 5 things that I wish for. Heck, maybe let's make every Wednesday a day for wishes! And let's see if these wishes come true in time.

So here goes my first Wednesday Wishes:

1. However much I wish for world peace, that can be too impossible for now and I intend to have things ticked from this checklist. So my first wish is that our company will not be greatly affected by the recession. For now, it has not affected us much but I hope it stays this way (if not get any better) and won't go down any further, especially in the next 6 months.

2. I wish one of my two nagging neighbors would move out. So we can have peace and quiet at nights and weekends again.

3. I wish BlogExplosion comes back...
4. With better management.

5. Lastly, here's something fun! I wish I get to be chosen this year for the Ms. Valentines pageant at work! *Giggle$*

There you go. If you want to join me in this Wishful Wednesday, you can post about it in your blog. And it would be nice to leave a comment with your link and I shall place it here as well. Otherwise, just tell me your five wishes in the comments section.

So, who wants to join?